
Showing posts from March, 2015

Guest Story- Harry's Craniosynostosis Journey

10 weeks before my daughter had her surgery, 13 month old Harry underwent his cranio reconstruction. With Harry's mother's permission, I am thrilled to share some of his journey! When Harry was born in January of 2013 his parents noticed a ridge on the top of his head and a longer and more narrow head shape. Those things made it difficult for him to fit in newborn hats, but having never heard of craniosynostosis before the family wasn't alarmed. It wasn't until 8 month old Harry was admitted to a hospital for gastroenteritis that a nurse noticed something was wrong. A scan then confirmed that Harry had Sagittal Cranosynostosis. Harry's 7 and a 1/2 hour  surgery was performed on March 12th, 2014 in the Great Ormond Street Hospital in the United Kingdom. Harry recovered well and is doing great! He is now 2 and less than a month away from his 1st cranioversary! His parents, Amy and Charlie, have done an amazing job spreading awareness for craniosynostosis. They...