CT scan Images 4 months after CVR surgery for Sagittal Craniosynostosis

It is post- op day 133! It's hard to believe its been 4 months (and 10 days to be exact) since Ryk's Cranio Surgery and she is doing great! We had our first post-op CT scan today and I am delighted to say everything looked good! Here is a look at pictures of her head and her skull! UPDATE : FOR MORE CT SCAN PICTURES CLICK HERE At RyK's Neuro appointment her doctor said that the soft spots that the neurosurgeons created during surgery have already begun to close. That made me a little nervous. However, she assured me that everything should be okay. Just because they are closing already doesn't mean that Ry's head won't still have room for her brain to grow. That was the best news we could have received!!! She recommended that we come back in year to check- in and for them to feel her head.I also learned that her metopic suture had already closed by the time we had the first ct scan, at around 10 months old. If you look at the image there is no jagged line ...