Sleep, Sidepain and youtube?

    Rylen is 2 weeks away from being 11 months old. Which means that I wrote my original blog post almost 3 months ago. If anyone out there is wondering what I have been up too, the title of this post says it all.
     I kept with running on the treadmill for around 3 weeks, resulting in 4lbs lost. Wahoo! And then RyK got her first double ear infection and refused to sleep or be happy unless I was holding her. So I literally held her for 3 days straight, then just when she was starting to feel better she had a reaction to her anti-biotics. Which meant we had to start all over again :(     Before i knew it a week had gone by without me doing any form of exercise. 
    I was watching an infomercial (around 5am, while I slept sitting up holding RyK on the couch) for shaun t's t-25 and i thought  "hey, i run for 30min, i could certainly do a workout video for 25mins! So my husband and I decided to order it. The idea behind it was really great because it would allow us to spend some time together after baby child went to sleep. But...its just not for me. It didn't feel like much was happening, and it was too easy for me to half-ass it. 
     After that attempt i took a little break because (here is where i insert my list of excuses) 1. My baby doesn't sleep through the night. I had started sleep training her, and now instead of 2-3 times a night she's only waking up once. Which is definitely better, but she's so unpredictable. I wish i knew what time she would get up in the night that way i could plan accordingly to get things done. But when she wakes up at 3am one night and 5:15 the next, i feel like my body can't get adjusted or I can't get on a good sleep schedule myself. 2. Why do i sometimes get terrible side pain when i run? The pain is so intense that i have to stop running and i usually can't return no matter how bad i want too. I researched it a little bit and it seems like a lot of people are saying  they thought it had to do with how soon you ate before, if you had too many carbs that day, if you are drinking too much water. But mine seems to be completely random, i could have avoided all those things, or done the opposite and it still happens. Not every time i run, but probably a third of the time. It has always happened to me, as long as i can remember. Does this happen to anyone else? 3. I decided to spend my "free time" (the hour after baby child goes to sleep and before i go to bed) (btw, i can't run after RyK goes to sleep because the treadmill is right next to her room and its too loud) watching beauty videos on youtube. I don't have too much to say except for i find it quite enjoyable, hahaha. 
     So now here i am, about 1 month away from her first birthday and i've gained 3 of the 4 pounds i lost back. Oh well, life happens right? Here's to trying harder now, and watching my youtube videos while i run! 


  1. Beauty videos while running. I think that's a brilliant idea.


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