Happy Cranioversary RyK!

The time has come, a year has finally passed. HAPPY 1st CRANIOVERSARY to my beautiful girl! Unfortunately there hasn't been a day where I haven't thought of her surgery or her condition. Hopefully, with time there will come a day where it all seems like a faint memory. But for now, when I look down and see her scar I am thankful for a heathy, happy child. I am grateful to live in a time when surgery is an option, when skilled doctors spend their time learning about the brain and the skull, when all over the world pediatric neurosurgeons are performing successful surgeries. I wish that someday, in the not so distant future, every pediatrician will know what craniosynostosis is and be able to recognize the condition. We have decided to become part of a clinical study on craniosynostosis. Hopefully by contributing we can help doctors understand more about how it occurs. "I beat cranio, what's your superpower?" Photos...