Is it because of craniosynostosis?

Whats normal and what's not? I think that's a question every parent asks more than once during their child's lifetime. My, now 19 month old daughter, has developed certain physical aspects that I now find myself wondering "Would she have _______ if she didn't have craniosynostosis? Or is this something that most kids have? In my surveys I have asked if other parents have noticed their children having such "markers" as Hemangiomas, Y shaped gluetal clefts, and Mongolian spots. It doesn't seem to be that much more common in cranio kids then in the rest of the population. So I decided to google it. Here is what I found (let's hope this information is accurate) What percentage of babies have Hemangiomas? Roughly 13% however about 80% of babies have some sort of birth mark? Mongolian spot? 95 to 100 percent of Asian, 90 to 95 percent of East African, 85 to 90 percent of Native American, and 50 to 70 percent of Hispanic babies have th...