Results of my Craniosynostosis survey #2 with 315 respsones

Craniosynostosis Survey #2 from 315 families The results of my first survey with 503 responses is listed in earlier entries or click Here THESE ARE THE EXACT RESPONSES OF MY SURVEY. THE FIRST NUMBER WILL BE THE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE FOLLOWED BY THE PERCENTAGE. My child is Boy 206 65.61% Girl 100 31.85% I have more than 1 cranio child. 8 2.55% What type of craniosynostosis does your child have? Sagittal 135 42.86% Metopic 88 27.94% Left Lambdoid 9 2.86% Right lambdoid 13 4.13% Left Coronal 19 6.03% Right Coronal 20 6.35% Bicoronal 21 6.67% All sutures closed 7 2.22% Multiple sutures closed. Please specify which ones below 20 6.35% Other (Please Specify) 22 6.98% bilambdoidal sagittal sutures Sagittal and Bicoronal sagittal, metopic, right coronal Sagittal and Bi-Lateral Lambdoid Metopic, saggital, and bicoronal metopic sagittal both coronals Originally just left coronal, now left, right coronal and saggital. metopic, sagittal Sagi...